中醫順時調養: 春養肝、夏護心、秋潤肺、冬顧腎。
冬季宜溫補,所以冬至養生宜以收斂陰氣、護陽養腎為主,而黑豆、黑棗、黑米、黑芝麻、黑木耳、紫菜、海帶等黑色食物便是冬季養腎的首選食物,另外桂圓、核桃、杏仁、栗子等堅果類食品也是不錯的益腎佳品。還建議可多吃些富含蛋白質和油脂的肉類、奶類或魚類,增強身體抵抗力。當天氣變得很冷時, 料理中可以適當加入辣椒、花椒、薑、大蒜來溫暖身體。
Start of Winter is an important term of the 24 Solar Terms. It is the time for people to supplement and nourish our body.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) believes that the arrival of Winter is when the “yang” energy is hidden, the “yin” energy is in full swing. The activities of all life forms tend to stop or go into hibernation state recharging energy and preparing for the Spring when vitality resumes.
In winter, people's metabolism is relatively slower so we should focus on keeping warm. TCM principles suggests that we nourish our kidneys in winter time. Examples of kidney nourishing food includes mountain yam, black beans, black sesame, chestnut and goji berries.
During Winter, TCM focuses on astringing yin, protecting yang, and nourishing kidney. Black beans, black dates, black rice, black sesame, black fungus, seaweed, kelp and other black foods are the first choice for nourishing kidney in winter. In addition, longan, walnut, almond, chestnut and other nuts are also good choices for nourishing the kidney.
It is also recommended to eat more meat, seafood and dairy that are rich in protein and fat to enhance the body's resistance to the cold. When the weather does become very cold, chili, Szechuan pepper, ginger, scallion and garlic can be appropriately added to the dishes to warm the body.
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